import timm
import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
from timm.loss import LabelSmoothingCrossEntropy, SoftTargetCrossEntropy
from timm.loss import JsdCrossEntropy
from import mixup_target
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
Let's create a example of the output
of a model, and our labels
. Note we have 3 output predictions, but only 1 label.
output = F.one_hot(torch.tensor([0,9,0])).float()
If we set label smoothing
and alpha
to 0, then we will have the regular cross_entropy loss
, if we look only at the first element of our output and labels.
jsd = JsdCrossEntropy(smoothing=0,alpha=0)
base_loss = F.cross_entropy(output[0,None],labels[0,None])
jsd = JsdCrossEntropy(num_splits=1,smoothing=0,alpha=0)
We can also change the number of splits,changing the size of each group. In Augmix
this would equate to the number of transformation mixtures.
jsd = JsdCrossEntropy(num_splits=2,smoothing=0,alpha=0)
output = F.one_hot(torch.tensor([0,9,1,0])).float()
By default we have 1 label for 3 predictions, this is a two part loss, and measures both cross entropy and jason-shannon divergence. Jason-shannon entropy does not need a label, instead measuring the how significantly different the 3 predictions are.
jsd = JsdCrossEntropy(smoothing=0)
output = F.one_hot(torch.tensor([0,0,0]),num_classes=10).float()
deltas =[2,10]),torch.tensor([[-1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]])))*0.1
losses = [jsd((output+delta),labels)-base_loss for delta in deltas]
The below graph shows how changes in one of the model's outputs(prediction), in a group, effects the Jason-Shannon Divergence.
plt.plot([ .1*i-1 for i in range(len(losses))],[loss for loss in losses])
plt.ylabel('JS Divergence')
plt.xlabel('Change in output')